Tips in spotting fake Chanel bags.

Serial Numbers

Chanel started using serial numbers in their bags in the 1980’s. The numbers represent the year of manufacturing and bag style.

The serial number should match the number on the Chanel authenticity card. If it doesn’t, it’s a red flag.

If you are not buying directly from Chanel or an authorized dealer like Neiman Marcus of Saks 5th Ave, do not be satisfied with just hologram sticker and an authenticity card. Fake bags can come with hologram stickers and authenticity cards now.

Serial numbers run between six and eight digits long, depending on date of manufacturing.

The Chanel Logo

Genuine Chanel clasp will have flat edges, not rounded ones. The “C” on the right will always be on top of the “C” on the left and at the bottom, the opposite is true…the “C” on the left will be on top. 

The Screws

Bags with the clasp provide another opportunity to check for a fake.  Look at the quality and type of the screws used. The back plate that attaches the lock to the flap will screwed on with either flathead screws or star screws.  Star screws have been used since 2015. Chanel does not use Phillips screws, ever.

The Zippers

Chanel uses Lampo metal zippers for the past two decades. Look for the Lampo logo on the back side of the zipper slider.  It can say “Lampo” Or “L”.

If you have Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Versace, Hermes, or other designer handbags that you would like to sell or consign, contact us for assistance.